I have been reading about the Russel' family. One of them Gen. William Huntington Russell helped start the 'Skull and Bones' a secreative fraternity at Yale which only accepts a small number of new members I think 15 members a year and many of it's members go on to top levels in government and business. In the last Presidential election George Bush and John Kerry were both memebers of this fraternity while at Yale as was William F. Buckley and many other prominent Americans, .. I have read that these elite fraternites such as at Yale and the one Bill Clinton belonged to at Oxford also have links to an elitist organization called the Trilateral Ccommission whose members include many names you would recognize from politicains, to business, corporate, and even union leadership.
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omg i am totally floored
by akafreelife ini have been hearing about a secret socioty called the illuminati.
i started seeing some connections on my own between illuminati and what i heard when i was at the meetings when i was younger.
holy shite they are directly connected.
Christian propaganda found in a truck stop stall.
by kwintestal ini found this the other day as i was doing my thing and immediately assumed it was left for a muslim.
as i got reading it, i was shocked and then disgusted at the bait-and-switch technique used.
enjoy the comic!
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The scare tactics are the same as the JW's and the Governments. These characters would make good Halloween costumes too. How about the living dead elders that come to eat the disfellowshipped and the publishers that don't make their quotas for the month.
Do JW'S need James 1:5
by Ade ini was reading james a minute ago and wondered whether this verse is needed for the average jw's, after all how can they be lacking in wisdom when gods anointed are leading them ??
i know this probably seems harsh but hopefully you can grasp what i mean, when you have all the "so called" knowledge of god and interpreting the scriptures why would any of them need to ask god for wisdom that he's already given them ??
maybe i'm having an unreasonable moment here folks.
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Asking God for wisdom sound like an excercise in independent thinking for the rank and file JW when the society is supposedly the only channel for insight into the Bible. It sounds like a disfellowshipping offense. I say welcome to the board, and think all you want inside this box.
Top five things you'll never hear The Society admit, (but they should).
by read good books in-we were wrong.
-we were wrong, and were sorry about that.. 3.-we were wrong.
were sorry about that; and we should do something to make ammends.
read good books
IC- Unfortunately if you look behind the curtain now you would see some really old men who helped make a bunch of wild predictions that never happened but brought in a lot of people and money into the organization. Do you think they still don't give a sh-t as they fade off into the sunset of their lives,,,, ...probably not.
Agent Smith's story
by AgentSmith ini was born into a jw family.
my father's parents were jw.
my mother?s family was a big mix.
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Thankyou agent Smith. It's great to hear from ex-JW's from around the world, your experiences growing up JW, physical abuse with the blessings of the elders, and the society railing against college and then later elders saying they didn't say you couldn't go, all part of my repetoire of bad JW experiences, similar childhoods though half a world away. Look forward to hearing more from you in the future.
Top five things you'll never hear The Society admit, (but they should).
by read good books in-we were wrong.
-we were wrong, and were sorry about that.. 3.-we were wrong.
were sorry about that; and we should do something to make ammends.
read good books
5. -we were wrong.
4. -we were wrong, and were sorry about that.
3.-we were wrong. were sorry about that; and we should do something to make ammends.
2.-we were wrong, were sorry, we should do something to make ammends and publically admit that we were wrong.
...and the number one thing you will never hear them admit-
1. -you know what, we just don't give a sh-t.
Joe Namath did not win the Superbowl in 607BCE, and I can prove it.
by james_woods inperhaps some will be completely bewildered by this title.
perhaps many will say - are you crazy, james?
what does it matter?.
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I think Nameth also predicted the Vikings would loose to the AFL team, I believe it was the ? he was right. Much better prrophet than Russel.
Has the rules changed?
by pratt1 ina relative of my wife, just got engaged to a "worldly guy".. the young lady is a baptized publisher, and i am shocked to hear that no one has made a negative comment about her future husband not being an dub.. even her mother who is a pioneer has not made an issue of the engagement.. has things changed?.
are the elders easing up a little on the rank and file?.
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Yeah it is funny they will allow a marriage to a non-believer but they won't allow an ex-witness to talk to relatives. That just shows how paranoid the GB are of anybody who knows the inside scoop on them, since there are no scriptures that directly say you can't speak to a relative of somebody who use to believe in your religion but no longer does, the society totally interprets the bible to mean that you can't talk to a former JW relative but you can marry a non-believer. Totally interpretating the Bible the way they want, just like the people use to tell us at the door, the JW's interpret the Bible to mean what they want it to..
History will never be a fact again.
by givepeaceachance in.
the recent faked death of bush has led the way to destroy history as we known it to have been.. historians will no longer have any merit.. need i say more.. history is gone forever.
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How about an Orwell quote-"those who control the present control the past." - 1984. More true now than ever.
Sisters, did you feel inferior to Brothers?
by JH inhaving less privileges than brothers, did you feel inferior or simply different?.
would you have prefered to be treated equally to brothers, but with all the responsibilities that go with it?.
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There use to be more women than men in the congregations in the seventies and early eighties. With women attaining more rights and promotions in the world at that time I wonder if that shrunk the number of women in the organization which would seem less attractive than the outside world after that. I wonder if there is as big a gap today?